A conversation with Angela Maya

How would you describe your job in a minute?

My role is Atmos’ Sales and Support Engineer for countries located in Latin America. I’m usually the first point of contact for customers and my role involves responding to and looking for opportunities for Atmos. It’s a 360 degrees role in the sense that I am there to listen, support and promote the business in my region.

There’s also some project support involved where I assist customers in liaising with our project and field engineers. I try to be accessible at all times.

What has been your greatest professional or personal achievement to date?

Today I have a life in Ecuador, although I was born and lived half my life in Colombia. My achievements have been framed by adapting to each new stage both personally and professionally.  

Every new project that arises after pursuing an opportunity is an achievement. Latin American countries face different problems and ways of working that make it necessary to adapt to change and explore innovative solutions.

The Latin American region is still experiencing the impacts of the pandemic, so we need to support pipeline operators.

What is a normal day like?

I don't have a typical day! When you're in sales and support, you try to plan as much as possible to stay focused and keep a work life balance. Professionally, no two days in my role are ever the same. I could be working through a customer’s pipeline challenge, getting a purchase order or liaising with customers on inquiries and often impromptu meetings. I must be ready to adapt and learn to prioritize regularly. I try to balance those days with quieter ones but that’s the excitement of the role.

What three words would you use to describe your role?


This doesn’t just mean with my colleagues, but also with customers and the whole chain that’s involved in providing a solution. Being brilliant together and maximizing our (joint) potential!


It’s important to remember that each sale is a journey and there are lots of factors involved on both sides. Sometimes that journey can have many challenges and take time. There are opportunities that are worked on for many years before they are closed and that’s the challenge of working in my region.


We are experts in leak and theft detection and it’s important to convey that confidence to clients. Sometimes I face challenges but I need to continue without wavering. The clients must have the reassurance that we will overcome the challenges. That’s part of Atmos’ vision and purpose: to provide the best solutions with the best customer service in the industry.

If you could change your position or work with someone, who would it be?

I love my job. From where I am, I have been able to see different perspectives and different areas and positions, although I’d like to see it from the end customer’s point of view as well. What we sell at Atmos is a service as well as a product, so it involves many elements. Being on the client side would be very interesting.

What are your goals or wishes for the next five years?

Exploring new markets in Latin America is a goal of mine, including industries like mining and selling products such as gas pipeline simulation.

What do you consider to be the biggest professional challenge so far?

My professional life has always been within the technological field, I studied Electronic Engineering in Colombia, I have had different roles in the industry and now I am passionate about technological solutions for pipelines because of the complexity they present.

As this question is about my biggest challenge, I want to divide it into two parts. The first being that as a woman working in the oil and gas industry, my biggest challenge has been to contribute towards changing the image of what is expected of the role of women in the world of technology. 

On the other hand, another challenge is to keep the confidence, security and reassurance of the clients, especially in opportunities that require innovative solutions. We know that not all pipelines are the same and there’s a fine balance in integrating technologies. There are a lot of conversations and a lot of patience required to build trust and knowledge.

We also innovate a lot and where there may not be an initial solution, we will find it. Our Research and Development team never gives up and is bringing new products to the market all the time.

If you could have a mentor, who would it be?

Professionally I have the best mentor. My line manager is the Senior Vice President (Commercial) for Atmos. He’s helped me learn a lot and he is a great person. He has a lot of knowledge of Atmos in both technical and commercial areas. He knows all the clients and knows how the global market is handled. He knows how things are handled in Latin America, Asia, Europe and other regions.

I also have personal mentors in my life that make me a better person.

If you spoke to the 16-year-old Angela, what would you say?

You don't have to regret what you do. If you did something bad, own it and accept that it’s part of your growth, just like if you did something good, there is no regret. In life, you learn a lot, although you may not realize what you’ve learned until much later.

Act conscientiously and don't regret it.

What do you like most about your job?

The challenges and traveling. Every opportunity brings a new challenge to overcome. There are quiet days and they are interesting but then a complicated project comes along and a lot is learned from that challenge. Also every place and opportunity to travel allows me to learn about people, customers’ s behavior and explore new places.

What advice would you give to recent new entrants?

Be prepared and ready to learn. There is so much to learn in all areas of Atmos. Value the learning and  the people around you who have more experience. I think we have the possibility to create personal connections with colleagues around the world that go beyond the professional work we do.

Do you have a motto or mantra?

Breathe to live. All we need to do is breathe and we can solve the rest along the way.

Do you follow any blogs or podcasts?

I don't follow any particular blog but I follow some posts on different social media platforms.

Sometimes I listen podcasts related to my role and personal life. I follow Eddie Mosler, he is a great Ecuadorian Artist who’s also a friend and mentor.

What’s your favorite country to visit?

My favorite country to visit will always be my native country Colombia. I also love all places that are close to the sea, rivers and lakes that I have visited in each country.

Categories: Employee stories

By: Will Stone
Date: 08 March 2021