Atmos International (Atmos) colleagues celebrate this season’s winners

Bringing the 2023-2024 football season to a close, Atmos Football colleagues in the UK office celebrated the players who maximized their potential this season.

Atmos Football league award winners

  • Best Player: Associate Project Engineer Elian Alsabti
  • Most improved: Project Engineer Max Vasey
  • Most Entertaining: Associate Project Engineer Conor Culhane
  • Best Highlight: Software Developer Johnny Zen

Atmos Fantasy Football winners


Principal Engineer Joe Kelly was the top Atmos colleague, finishing 23,151st out of 10,905,021 players.

League Top Three

  • First place: Project Engineer Oliver Port
  • Second place: Team Delivery Lead Liam Callagher
  • Third place: Senior Research Engineer James Boucher

A photo of Atmos colleagues with their football awards

James Boucher, Senior Research Engineer and organizer of Atmos Football said: “It’s been another fantastic season for Atmos UK’s dedicated football team.

I’m looking forward to seeing what the 2024-2025 season will bring!”

Recreational clubs at Atmos are a proven way for colleagues to stay active and unwind after work while connecting with colleagues from different departments.

From Book Club to Atmos Football, a career at Atmos encourages healthy habits.