Posted: 01 Jul, 2013

Early in June 2013, Atmos International successfully completed the site acceptance test (SAT) for two copper concentrate pipelines at Minera Escondida. The first concentrate pipeline has a length of 167.1 km and a diameter of 9 inches, while the second a length of 167 km and diameters of 6 and 7 inches.

Minera Escondida is the largest producer of copper in the world. During 2008, it had 8.11% of the world's copper production and 23.56% of Chile's.

Atmos installed Atmos Pipe, its statistically modified mass balance leak detection system, on these pipelines. Atmos Pipe is one of the most reliable and implemented leak detection system in the world. On 3 June 2013, the SATs were successfully validated between BHP Billiton, one of the owners of Minera Escondida, and Atmos.

Atmos' recent projects in Minera Escondida, followed by five years of successful operation of our leak detection system, Atmos Pipe, in Minera Pelambres´ pipelines confirm that Atmos is a leader not only in oil and gas pipeline leak detection but also in slurry and rewash pipelines.