The global population is increasing in tandem with a worldwide water shortage

1.1 billion people currently lack access to water and approximately 2.7 billion people experience water scarcity for at least one month per year. In response to this global issue, water companies across the world are considering how they can optimize water management and preserve the finite resource, with desalination gaining momentum as a method of increasing access to fresh water.

Considering the environmental implications and overheads associated with a desalination plant, water companies beginning to introduce them should prioritize installing a leak detection system. In this article, Business Development Director for water Martin Duff discusses how desalination can be optimized with pipeline leak detection.

The following areas are covered in the article:

  • What is desalination?
  • The benefits
  • The challenges
  • How desalination can be optimized with pipeline leak detection

A leak detection system reduces the environmental, financial and reputational costs associated with desalinated water leakage. Find out more by reading the full feature in this issue of Water Magazine or click the image to read.

A single page containing Business Development Director for water Martin Duff's Water Magazine feature on "Optimizing desalination with pipeline leak detection"