The growing significance of produced water leak detection in gathering networks

The oil and gas industry continues to boom with major projects under development across the world. This brings with it an increase in gathering networks and produced water, which is generated in large amounts during the oil and gas extraction process and in some cases is transported on a journey across upstream, midstream and downstream sectors.

An image of a magazine open at the page of Atmos' article in World Pipelines titled "Pin-point precision for pipeline protection"Failure to appropriately dispose of or reuse produced water can have severe environmental impacts. In this article, Atmos’ CEO and Founder Jun Zhang discusses the significance of pipeline leak detection for produced water management with reference to a case study from the Americas.

The article covers the following areas:

  • What is produced water?
  • Managing produced water transportation
  • Impacts of produced water leaks, ranging from environmental to regulatory
  • The significance of produced water leak detection
  • Case study: produced water gathering network in the Americas

Read the full feature from pages 43-46 in this issue of World Pipelines or click the image to read.

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